The hidden woe of a Dry Socket in South East London
18 / 09 / 2013
After you have had a tooth removed in south east London, nature should kick-in and your mouth should naturally recover and heal itself, that’s as long as you refrain from smoking and be careful with your oral hygiene each day. The thing about losing a tooth is that a blood clot will form naturally over the wound and help to seal the gums up over the hole. If however this process is interfered with and the clot displaces itself prematurely, it will leave the wound naked and the bone below will be exposed. This will not only be very painful, but you will be open-season to infection setting in; be warned because this is what is known as a dry socket and is a very delicate and dangerous situation to have. You’ll need to see your dentist pronto and have the wound dressed daily with specialised products in order to seal up the wound. It may take a week or two, but you need to have it done if you want to avoid serious complications in the future. Watch how you eat, what you eat, how you clean your teeth and ensure that you use a medicated mouthwash throughout this recovery period; don’t take chances with this condition.
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