Superb Mini-implants arrive in London SE1
06 / 01 / 2013
As technology improves and sneaks its way into dental surgeries all around London SE1, the range of treatments get faster, safer and easier to do. The prime example of this is the fitting of dental implants: once a long and complex operation, this treatment has become more refined thanks to the use of lasers and computers in their fitting and in the case of mini-implants, they can be fitted and ready to use in under the day! They have steeped out of the shadows of their bigger brother and are used in extraordinary treatments themselves. They can be used to house small incisor crowns when a tooth has been lost, but they do exceptional work when combined with dental bridges and help to anchor the bridge more securely to the mouth. But their most dramatic claim to fame is bringing relief to denture wearers: five or six of these implants strategically placed around the mouth simply lock onto the customised denture and hold it true and securely to the gums; combined with some of the latest cements on the market, your dentures are going nowhere ever again.
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