Pretty Porcelain Crowns in South East London
27 / 09 / 2011
Ok, we all take our eye off the ball in south east London at some point and that goes for how we look after our mouths in general and the one thing we all try to avoid is dental decay. Yet, on occasions, our teeth suffer from the abuse we put upon them and then we need to get them repaired. Tooth decay will always be a problem that needs to be sorted- and the longer we leave it, the more intricate the work becomes. At worst, to save a tooth from severe decay, the tooth will require a root canal and then a crown. However the beauty that is modern dentistry means that we can still keep our mouths looking pretty thanks to modern porcelain crowns- they restore the strength and longevity back to the tooth. Once the tooth has been repaired, and, depending where it is in the mouth, you then have a choice of crown to ensure you retain the beauty in your mouth. Porcelain crowns come in two forms: the first is a porcelain/metal combination that is very strong at taking the forces that comes with biting down when chewing food. The other is just pure porcelain, and as they are delicate, can be used for the more cosmetic areas at the front of the mouth. Either or, porcelain crowns are the perfect way to restore a natural look to the mouth after decay has set in.
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