Minding the Gap with a Dental Bridge in London SE1
06 / 04 / 2012
When you are in the throws of tooth loss in London SE1, the idea of any treatment afterwards may sound anything other than glorious, but when you see the gap finally filled, you may well think differently. Dental bridges have been around for ages but that’s for a very good reason- they are brilliant and that fact alone means that they work superbly for anyone suffering from tooth loss. The procedure is very simple; first, your dentist will ascertain where your tooth has been lost and then come up with the type of bridge you need. If you have lost a tooth at the back of the mouth, you will require a cantilever bridge- one that can be bonded onto an adjacent tooth using wires and resin. The most common however is replacing a tooth among a line of other teeth- the Maryland. This involves a fitting where the new tooth is bonded to two crowns that are then cemented over the adjacent teeth either side of the gap. The beauty about this treatment, other than the vanity issues, is that replacing the tooth keeps the health of your mouth on track and prevents any further issues such as infection and movement in the remaining teeth from happening. Sure, they take extra vigilance when cleaning your teeth, but boy, it really is worth it in the long run.
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