Looking out for Teeth Erosion in South East London
24 / 02 / 2014
Among the many issues that can occur in the mouth, some can go unnoticed for ages until much of the damage has been done. Now a dentist will pick up on these quickly, treat you and then advise you on what to do about it for the future. The general meaning of ‘erosion’ is that the enamel has been worn away from the surfaces of the teeth, and this is where the danger begins because without the protection of the enamel, the teeth are extremely vulnerable to caries and full blown tooth decay. Erosion can be caused by a myriad of things: sugary and starch based foods and drinks are lethal unless they are removed from the surfaces so oral hygiene is a key here to stop these things attacking; dental sealants can also prevent bacteria settling on the enamel. However, don’t get too excited with your brushing; heavy brushing can also have detrimental affects on the teeth and wear away the enamel. The worst destruction though comes from teeth grinding; if you suffer heavily from this condition, it will wreck your teeth in no time at all. If you identify with any of this or feel you are in danger of tooth erosion, get along to your dentist in south east London for advice on the matter.
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