Getting yourself through Dental Anxiety in London SE1
01 / 07 / 2013
Everyone should know by now the importance of going to see your dentist regularly in order to maintain excellent oral health throughout your life. Okay then, but it doesn’t help if you have the ‘fear’ every time you sit in the dentist’s chair: if you find yourself getting hot under the collar, your palms sweat and your body begins to shake every time you cross the threshold of a dental surgery, then you may well be suffering from dental anxiety, and it is more common than you think in London SE1. This is an issue you should take up with your dentists, as they know how bad it can be for you, it can also be hard for them too: it can’t be easy to administer the proper treatment to someone who is fidgeting all of the time and fighting against the work they are trying to do. Talking it through beforehand can be beneficial to both parties and your dentist may be able to offer you sedation techniques in the future so that you don’t get so uptight each time you go for an appointment. Also focus on the fact that at least you do go and get treated, however uncomfortable you may feel; some people don’t even make it to this stage. Most important though is that you need this treatment, so somehow you must work out a way to make it more pleasant for you each time.
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