Fabulous Fluoride in Toothpaste in London SE1
24 / 06 / 2013
You may have noticed that a lot of the toothpastes sold in shops throughout London SE1 contain fluoride, in fact, most of the water piped into your house each day does too. It has always been considered to be a wonder mineral for the health of the teeth: it re-mineralises the enamel and ensures that bacteria are kept at arms length, whilst giving a protective barrier to the surfaces of the teeth; hence, it is considered to vastly reduce the chance of caries forming and breaking out into full blown tooth decay. If your dentist spots a fluoride deficiency in your teeth, you can have your teeth coated and even take fluoride supplements in the form of lozenges. This is why you will find the mineral in most toothpaste today, just to ensure that your teeth have some protective treatment each time you brush- you will also find it being used in mouthwashes. To support this, the water that you use each day has fluoride added to it: this not only reduces the amount of bacteria that comes through your taps, but it also helps to give your body the right amount of intake each day to give your teeth’s enamel the strength to fight the damage threatened by plaque and decay.
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