All aboard the Inman Express to London SE1
30 / 12 / 2012
There really is no better time than now to bite the bullet and go and get your teeth straightened. The market around London SE1 is full of fantastic gismos designed specifically to deal with different types of orthodontic problems as quickly as possible and with the utmost discretion. However when it comes to getting the job done quickly, there truly is none faster than the Inman aligner. This device comes with a very unique system of moving the teeth to and fro, but by keeping them on the move all of the time, they move frighteningly fast- 6 weeks fast in fact and that’s no lie! Its only drawback, if any, is the design of the aligner only works on the teeth at the front, but this is definitely the device for you if you fit the bill. Another advantage of wearing this is that it is removable whenever the occasion arises, such as maintaining oral hygiene. Because the teeth move so quickly, they will have the tendency to spring back into place from whence they came, so a retainer needs to be worn until they have stabilised into their new home. The cost of this tailored-to-you device starts from around £1200, but that’s nothing to finally getting your teeth done after all those years in such a short amount of time.
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